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A Few Ups and Downs of Being a Self Employed Artist

Annie Troe

Happy New Year!

First, yep, I took a selfie in the bathroom!?!

UPs of being a self employed artist :-D

• I can work what ever weird hours I want to. I REALLY like that I have a studio/office in my home. When the kids were little, I could still get work done when they were home sick. I can greet people who come to fix stuff and throw in a load of laundry or start dinner in between projects. My husband travels A LOT, that was the reason years ago that I became self employed. It made/makes juggling work and life so much easier. (Above photo is showing my new hair doo :)

• The President of is also a great office mate. Mostly, Freckles the-medium-hair-tortie-cat sits in a chair next to me snoring away. WHO doesn't want a boss like that!?! Yes, she also sleeps in that box on my office floor (above). :-D

• No office "rules" or judgement is a blessing. Since I am a visual person, "out of site" truly does mean "out of mind". The above photo is just a corner of my studio/office. My desk is also cluttered. While I look unorganized, I have lists, a paper calendar and filing cabinets to keep me organized and on task.

Those are my top three UPs to being a self employed artist.

Now the DOWNS...

• No steady pay check. I pay more in taxes (no employer to pay Social Security). I want to use this moment to say how much I REALLY appreciate each one of you for supporting my art, sharing my post on social media etc. I truly couldn't be an artist with out the support of all of you! Thank you!

• Friends & family will just come in or stop by because I am "home". While I love seeing and visiting with them, they wouldn't just pop in if I worked for another business and start chatting away. I do remind them on occasion that I need to get back to work :)

• I have an "over responsibility gene". I just LOVE what I do for a living! Since my studio/office is in my home, I tend to work a lot of extra hours. I haven't tried it, but I have a feeling If my studio/office was outside of my home, I would spend just as much time there. So I guess why fight it :)

If you are an artist, art director, retailer or manufacturer going to AmericasMart soon, please wave hi if you see me. People are what make licensing my art so darn fun!

Let's chat! Tell me about you in the comments below.

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