Hi Happy Campers!
Where do I start! Spring has been crazy busy. I guess I will start with what I don't know. That, you never know what is around that corner! I caught myself thinking I know, when I really didn't. It is a good reminder for me to keep the faith and an open mind in what ever you are pursuing.
Behind the Scenes- NEW Snowmen!
Above & below is a peek into my newest art collection, I am working on more - I have a thing for snowmen :-D I painted the background last so that it would be easier to scan in and remove the background from the snowmen. That way I can put them with other snowmen, on different backgrounds etc. They are painted with Acrylic paint on sheets of cotton canvas. The sheets make for easy storage. Down the road I will frame some to sell. Since my background ended up on the simple side, I could have painted the background in first, paint the snowmen and then scan the whole thing in :)
I am really excited about changing up my work flow for creating art for licensing! Concentrating on creating MORE art, less on creating mocks, icons (like the present below), portfolio pages (I used to do two sets of portfolio pages) etc.

I am also working on small paintings. See 5x7" Peaceful Poppies painting below. It helps me step away from the new art collection I am working on and keeps me fresh. Also gives me more 'art' time! I have added a few paintings to my PIxels.com page if you would like a print, t-shirt, phone case, pillow and more. I will be giving away this painting here on my blog ;-)

NEW Creative Alliance!
I recently formed a creative alliance with Suzanne Cruise Creative Services. COOL BEANS! I 'met' Suzanne 4+ years ago when I posted a question on Linkedin. She sent me an email loaded with great information. Now here we are down the road working together & taking the time to find out what it will be like to work together. I couldn't be more excited. Looking forward to getting to see Suzanne and her team at Surtex - a BIG art licensing show in NYC. Manufacturer's and Retailers, be sure to visit Suzanne Cruise Creative Services, booth 2909.
If you are interested in licensing your art, Surtex is a great place to see how agents work, how the show works and how your art might fit in the show. I have gone the last 4 years in a row and it really energizes me! Be sure to attend the ArtLicensingShow.com & Art of Licensing meet up, Monday May 22nd, 8:15 - 11:15 am, Level 1 food court, Javits Center, NYC. This is an informal gathering, come anytime. For more information on licensing your art, check out my art licensing business blog.
Follow this blog so you know when the next giveaway will be! Hoping to have some patriotic mugs to giveaway soon.
Looking forward to your comments below - So great to connect with you! Spread Joy Today!