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Isadora's Pet Portrait Process Photos

Annie Troe

Updated: Jan 19, 2020

Hey Happy Campers!

Sue B. won the free pet portrait in my last month's Birthday Giveaway for newsletter followers. She sent the above right photo of her BEAUTIFUL cat Isadora that I painted from. Watch this one minute video if you want to see how a pet portrait comes to life.

Thanks to all the other newsletter followers and winners. I really appreciate you following my artist life. THIS post list the other winners in the comments if you are curious

BEST place to follow me is over on my Facebook Fan page. It is where the majority of giveaways happen! IF you can comment and share, that helps a TON! Be sure to like and follow my fan page for better odds of seeing my posts.

NEW paintings have been added to my online print gallery. Here is a snap shot of what you can get your pet's portrait printed on. Go to Gallery Here

Thank you so much for following and supporting my artist life!

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